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Pita Chip donates 20%* of all orders placed by your supporters back to your organization.


How it works:
Step 1 / 
Sign up for a fundraiser.
Step 2 /
We provide the materials, you spread the word.
Step 3 / 
It's go time! On the day of the fundraiser, your supporters will use a specific promo code in-store, online, or via our app.
Step 4 /
We donate 20%* of all orders placed with this promo code back to your organization. 

Fundraiser Guidelines:

Our mission at Pita Chip is to create belonging. By offering these fundraisers, we hope to support likeminded groups in our communities.​ In an effort align our practices with our mission, we are unable to host fundraisers that fall into the following categories:


  • Individuals 

  • For-profit companies

  • Capital campaigns

  • Political or lobbying groups 


We reserve the right to deny any group that we deem to be unaligned with our mission.


Fundraiser Policies:


  • No coupons, discounts, or other offers valid during the event

  • Not valid on third party apps (i.e. UberEats, Grubhub, etc.)

  • Flyers may not be distributed in the restaurant

  • Organizers may not ask guests dining in the restaurant for donations


*The donation threshold is $60, meaning the 20% donation kicks in after $60 in revenue has been reached. For example, if your group brings in $1000, the donation is 20% of $940. This covers the costs associated with


Pita Chip bears no responsibility for the success of the fundraiser; this is solely dependent upon its promotion done ahead of time by the organization.


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